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Learners as Leaders

Learners as Leaders is a way to give our children more responsibility in their own school environment. Their skills are utilised and they assist both their peers and teachers with their own specific role.

Reading Coaches

Reading Coaches listen to younger peers read during lunch time, The children have been trained to work towards Assessment Focus questions that are used in class daily. The children have a rota to work to and take their role very seriously, both the reader and the reading coach benefit from this role.






Maths Coach

To carry out times table tests and improve maths skills of younger pupils.

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders are responsible for all IT within their classroom, from making sure the Interactive White Boards are switched on, to downloading pictures from the class camera and making sure it is charged. Teachers may also ask their class Digital Leaders to prepare the ICT suite before a lesson and to help their peers during a lesson if they require assistance.  

Junior Librarians

Junior Librarians are responsible for opening the library during lunch times to ensure that the library is more accessible to all classes. Our aim is to encourage children to read more and to become familiar with our school library.

Junior Road Safety Officers

JRSOs are responsible for making our children's journeys to and from school safer by giving advice, and praising safe practice. They are on duty every morning in the playground and by the school gate. They also deliver road safety assemblies and have produced a fabulous road safety leaflet.

RE Leaders

To work closely with the RE Team and arrange collective worship for KS1 Assembly's 

Playground Buddies

Our friendship buddies are responsible for making sure all children have somebody to play with in the KS2 playground. They initiate games and ask children if they would like to join in. They liaise closely with our SMSAs and inform them of any friendship issues on the playground.