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The School Day


Nursery children attend either the morning or afternoon sessions, or all day.
Morning nursery sessions run from 8.30am– 11.30am Monday to Friday 
Afternoon nursery sessions run from 12.00pm – 3.00pm Monday to Friday
30 hour provision is offered from 8.30am - 2.30 pm with an option to top up to 3pm each day.Children entitled to 15 free hours may top up to 2.30pm or 3pm each day. 

Reception and years 1-6 

Reception class and Years 1 -6 start at 8.30am. Children have a 15 minute mid-morning break, followed by a lunch break between 12 and 1pm. Their school day finishes at 3.00pm. This equates to 32.5 hours in school excluding the lunch break.

Collecting your child

If for any reason, a child has to be collected during school hours please notify us in advance and in writing. For safety reasons staff are not allowed to release a child unless officially notified. All children arriving at, or departing from the school site during the course of the school day must be signed in and out of our register at the school office.  If a child has not been collected by 3.15pm and parents have not contacted the school, the children will be placed in after-school club and a small fee will be charged. Parents who are consistently late collecting their children will be contacted by our welfare officer in the first instance to offer support. If there is no improvement then parents/ carers will be requested to attend a meeting with the Head of School. 

Going home time

The main gate will be opened just before 3pm. There should always be an adult to collect younger children. 

Parents and carers of Nursery, Reception and Year 1 children should collect their child at the classroom doors.

Year 2-6  parents/carers should wait on the main playground as teachers are required to see a parent/carer before dismissing children.   Older children can be given the opportunity to walk home alone, however, we require advance notification and permission from parents. If an alternative adult is collecting your child you must notify the school office in advance.  Children will not be released to unknown individuals, 'older' brothers and sisters / other family members with whom we are not familiar.

Breakfast Club

This opens at 7.45am, closes at 8.30am. Breakfast club is run by school staff who the children are familiar with. They serve a range of healthy food including: cereal, fruit, toast and juice.

Breakfast Club must be booked and paid for in advance using the Parent Pay.  Please speak to the School Business Manager for details.

After School Club

We run an after school club from 3.00pm until 6pm.  Parents may choose to pay up until 4pm or until 6pm.
The club is run by two staff members and children are provided with a range of games and activities to keep them occupied. Children staying beyond 4pm will also receive a small snack.

 This must be booked and paid for in advance using the Parent Pay. 

Please see the School Business Manager for details